Faré wrote:
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Ralf Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
Hello list,
I just stumbled overthe following strangeness [1]:
I've some code in directory foo that contains two asdf files, foo.asd and foo-test.asd, the later contains the following definition:
(defsystem "foo-test" :version "0.1" :pathname "t" :serial t ..... )
Now, if I evaluate
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :foo-test "baz" :type "rsc")
I get a pathname relative to the _asdf-file_, while evaluating:
(merge-pathnames "baz.rsc" (slot-value (asdf:find-system :foo-test) 'asdf::absolute-pathname))
yields the correct/expected pathname (i.e. one that honors the pathname spec. of the asdf system).
Is this really intended behavior or just an oversight?
Cheers, Ralf Mattes
Footnotes: [1] in the sense of not following the principle o fleast astonishment
To put it in more "canonical" terms, the issue is that
(asdf:system-source-directory (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/" (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/t/"
Is it the right thing? Should system-relative-pathname use the latter rather than the former? I can't say. I don't want to think about these things anymore. The difference, if it persists, should be documented.
IMO, there is no *perfect* solution to this problem, and the current behavior is "as right as possible." this just shows that the top-level use of :pathname (instead of using a module) is problematic. On the one hand, it's clear that the programmer doesn't want any files to live in the top level of the system: the programmer wants the top level to have only the asdf file and maybe some READMEs, and make them more visible by pushing the sources into a subtree. According to this argument, your interpretation is correct. OTOH, what if you have a top level foo/ directory with the asdf system definition and subdirectories src/ and data/? In that case, you want ASDF:SYSTEM-RELATIVE-PATHNAME to be foo/ so that you have the choice of going to src/ or data/. In my opinion, what this disagreement shows is that top-level (i.e., at DEFSYSTEM) use of :PATHNAME is to be deprecated. If my system was (defsystem foo :components ((:module "src" ...) (:module "data" ...))) then the current behavior would be unambiguously correct. I think what this shows is that using :pathname at the root of a system definition is just wrong. Or, perhaps, that using :pathname at the root of the system should be interpreted (i.e., its semantics should be defined) "as if" it was defining an anonymous module (since that's what happens -- the :pathname doesn't affect the location of the :defsystem). I will wait for further discussion, but IMO, this is a WONTFIX. Best, r -- Robert P. Goldman Staff Scientist Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC) 319 1st Ave N., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net