OK, I've been convinced by that 100% positive cl-test-grid improvement, and starting with ASDF 2.30.1, :utf-8 is the default value of *default-encoding* (and 2.30.2 enforces the new default when upgrading while preserving non-:default overrides). Now to resurrect, update and process https://github.com/orivej/asdf-encodings/wiki/Tracking-non-UTF-8-lisp-files-... Grepping through quicklisp finds offending files in the following directories, whether or not they block a clean build: antik-20120909-git binary-types-20101006-git bknr-web-20130128-git cells-20120909-git cl-bibtex-20120909-cvs cl-pdf-20120909-svn cl-png-0.6 cl-typesetting-20120407-svn clfswm-20130128-git clsql-20130128-git def-symbol-readmacro-20130128-hg genworks-gdl-20130128-git lispbuilder-20120909-svn mcclim-20120909-cvs metatilities-20101006-darcs montezuma-20121013-git phemlock-20120909-cvs plain-odbc-20120909-svn utils-kt-20101006-git —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Taxonomy is the death of science — A. N. Whitehead On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 8:40 AM, Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> wrote:
21.02.2013, 17:27, "Stelian Ionescu" <sionescu@cddr.org>:
On Thu, 2013-02-21 at 08:00 -0500, Faré wrote:
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:44 AM, Anton Vodonosov <avodonosov@yandex.ru> wrote:
Comparision for building with (setf asdf:*default-encoding* :utf-8): http://common-lisp.net/project/cl-test-grid/asdf/asdf-diff-14.html Wow, it's all positive! Not that surprising, when you think about it.
Maybe I should just do it, and change the default. I've been warning people for a year already.
Go ahead, please.
I also support making :utf-8 the default. It will only improve stability, without any harm.
Even if someone wants to use some incomatible encoding (but I doubt such people exist, let's say probability of their existence is 0.01), they can always specify
:defsystem-depends-on :asdf-encodings :encoding :koi8-r
That's 0.5 hour per ASDF system.
0.01 * 0.5 is nothing comparig to how many existing systems will build reliably. In the current situation when source file encoding is environment dependent, the defeloper is often is just unaware that hist ASDF system will not build on other computer.
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