Dear Kambiz,
do you think it is now obsolete to create a test git repo which contains the dependencies as git subtrees?
You should ask Robert -- he's the one who's to decide, these days. Now that the minimakefile branch is *tested* to work with quicklisp correctly, I see *less* need for that. But if that's the tipping point for Robert to merge the branch in master, then it's important.
There is probably a small value in having a repo with versions of the dependencies which are known to work. But I'm not sure about the trade-off of having an additional repo.
Indeed. I also don't know exactly how to sync that repo to the asdf repo: have asdf.git be one of the subtrees? Is there like with subversion the notion of pinned vs non-pinned externals?
Sorry that I didn't get around creating that repo earlier but I will have some time during the next week and could do so, if deemed necessary.
No problem. We're all busy. Regards, —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org The question "Who ought to be boss?" is like as "Who ought to be the tenor in the quartet?" Obviously, the man who can sing tenor. — Henry Ford