FWIW, here's the list of properties in LibCL before it died. An incomplete readme is attached. A few fields were specific to LIBCL (most belong in ASDF properties); I was bootstrapping this on the side out of necessity. Hasn't a similar effort been started in Quicklisp? (:name "" :website "" ;:license :bsl :short-desc "" :maintainer () :docpath "" :tags () :todo nil :provides () :load-unless nil :version "" :date "" :source ()) Here's an example of what I wrote for Hunchentoot. (:name "Hunchentoot" :website "http://weitz.de/hunchentoot/" :license :bsd :short-desc "web server" :maintainer ("http://common-lisp.net/mailman/listinfo/tbnl-devel" "http://weitz.de/patches.html") :docpath "" :tags (:web) :todo nil :provides () :load-unless nil :version "" :date "2010-08-29" :source (:svn "svn://bknr.net/svn/trunk/thirdparty/hunchentoot" 4603)) - Daniel