Hello list, I just stumbled overthe following strangeness [1]: I've some code in directory foo that contains two asdf files, foo.asd and foo-test.asd, the later contains the following definition: (defsystem "foo-test" :version "0.1" :pathname "t" :serial t ..... ) Now, if I evaluate (asdf:system-relative-pathname :foo-test "baz" :type "rsc") I get a pathname relative to the _asdf-file_, while evaluating: (merge-pathnames "baz.rsc" (slot-value (asdf:find-system :foo-test) 'asdf::absolute-pathname)) yields the correct/expected pathname (i.e. one that honors the pathname spec. of the asdf system). Is this really intended behavior or just an oversight? Cheers, Ralf Mattes Footnotes: [1] in the sense of not following the principle o fleast astonishment