Thigs deserving attention:
- blas-complex - blas-real These two seem to be a problem of ASDF integration with cl:require. To reproduce: ./lisps/ecl-bin-12.12.1/bin/ecl -norc -eval '(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)' -load quicklisp-patched2/setup.lisp -eval '(ql:quickload :blas-complex)' Compare to the following, with succeeds: ./lisps/ecl-bin-12.12.1/bin/ecl -norc -eval '(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)' -load quicklisp/setup.lisp -eval '(ql:quickload :blas-complex)'
Aha. A bug in ASDF. Fixed in 2.30.9. I will include a regression test in next commit. It's also a bug in blas-complex to use (require 'f2cl) when it should be using asdf dependencies instead.
- a2x-test - Fare, you might want to review. Don't worry about a2x-test. It's part of xcvb, and xcvb isn't going to get much love until all current ASDF issues are resolved.
—♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste. — Henry Ford