On 29-04-2021 13:50 Renaud Casenave-Péré <renaud@casenave-pere.fr> wrote:
Actually I was referring to an earlier release. The currently released packages are considered fully working. Paul’s solution is the way to go.
Could you try with Paul’s solution and report back if it works for you or not?
I had tried Paul's solution but it didn't work for me. Now that you said it should actually work I tried again and I did also see where I did go wrong on my earlier attempt. So, after adding Drakma as dependency to Renaud's `eql5-sfos` I ran into the issue I mailed about earlier. After trying Paul's solution by adding this to the `eql5-sfos.pro` file: - `LIBS += -L/usr/lib/ecl-21.2.1 -l:libasdf.a -l:libsockets.a` And doing this in `src/eql5-sfos.cc`: - `ecl_init_module (NULL, init_lib_ASDF);` - `ecl_init_module (NULL, init_lib_SOCKETS);` It gets me past the `SB-BSD-SOCKETS` and `UIOP/OS` errors, but now I get the following error: $ eql5-sfos [D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL Condition of type: FILE-ERROR Filesystem error with pathname "SYS:help.doc". Either 1) the file does not exist, or 2) we are not allowed to access the file, or 3) the pathname points to a broken symbolic link. No restarts available. Top level in: #<process TOP-LEVEL 0xb0581fc0>. Which is at least different :-) I tried including `help.doc` as a dist file in `eql5-sfos.pro` but that didn't work and I guess there's more to solving it than that. (Perhaps something to do with `libecl-help.a`?) Thanks so far, Erik