18 Feb
18 Feb
11:10 a.m.
On 2019-02-17 08:43, Renaud Casenave-Péré wrote:
I am the one who packaged ecl for salifish and put it on openrepos.net. As per my light testing it is working fine, together with EQL5 which I also packaged.
Oh great, thanks for replying!
If you have questions for me, don’t hesitate.
I got sidetracked by work and family but I want to pick this up again in the near future. So, I can see how I would use ECL together with QML to write apps for SailfishOS, but I'm unclear how EQL fits in here due to Sailfish's own layer on top of QT (Silica). Perhaps this will become clear to me once I start working with this again. Regards, Erik