So you've noticed I'm kinda slow. I've finally started working on an app for Sailfish OS thanks to Renaud's fantastic template https://redmine.casenave.fr/projects/eql5-sfos/repository/44/revisions/maste... and also thanks to all the people who have worked on ECL and EQL. I know little of QT however and looking at the EQL5 examples only gets me so far. What would be a good venue to ask my (initially really basic) questions on the combination of ECL, EQL and QT? I mean, I want to ask questions to people who also like to program in Common Lisp so I don't have to have a discussion thread first on why I am not using C++ or Python. Would this mailing-list be ok? (I'm a little hesitant.) https://www.reddit.com/user/eql5 perhaps? Do the people here read that? My preference would be either e-mail or web forums, but if everyone is on Matrix or Discord these days then I guess I'll have to go there. Regards, Erik