Hi, I'm having trouble to find out, how to write a quit command without using a global *application-frame* variable. The idea is to be able to create more than one application frame and to encapsulate everything into the frame, applying menu commands only to the frame in which the command was issued. I looked into the examples but all seem to be happy with a global *application-frame* variable. A similar issue concerns different key-to-command mappings in different panes of the same application. In an editor pane the arrow keys should be used for cursor movement and in other panes they could mean different things. Do I have to move the dispatch into the command invoked by the arrow keys or is there another mechanism built into mcclim which enbales the use of different mappings in different panes? Thanks for any help, Orm ------------------------------------------------------------------ Prof. Orm Finnendahl Komposition Studio für elektronische Musik und Akustik Musikhochschule Freiburg Schwarzwaldstr. 141 79102 Freiburg Tel.: +49-761-31915-167