Our speakers for the sixth Online Lisp Meeting are Jan Moringen, a major
SBCL contributor, and Hayley Patton, a Lisp object farmer.
Jan Moringen will talk about Clouseau, a CLIM-based implementation of
the Common Lisp inspector facility.
> An inspector is a software tool the purpose of which is the
> interactive inspection and manipulation of values and their relations
> within a running program. Besides more prominent components such as
> editors and debuggers, inspectors play an important role in
> interactive development environments or just interactive environments
> in general. Common Lisp and Common Lisp-based environments have a
> long history of inspectors: Genera's inspector, CL:INSPECT, the SLIME
> inspector and McCLIM's two inspectors called Clouseau, to name a few.
> This presentation is about the latter two: the original Clouseau and,
> more importantly, the redesigned and rewritten implementation that
> replaced it. After mentioning a few crucial requirements and design
> decisions, the presentation focuses on a user's perspective. It
> demonstrates the basic use, specialized visualizations and operations
> and customization of the rewritten Clouseau.
Hayley Patton will talk about Techniques and Utilities for Farming
Objects On The Net.
> This presentation is about programming concurrent, distributed systems
> in Common Lisp, and some of the ideas that have sprung up while
> developing the Netfarm distributed object system. We will demonstrate
> how we try to abstract away wire protocol and format differences, how
> we can use a recommender system to filter unwanted content for an end
> user in the Netfarm system; and some libraries we have worked on, with
> the aim to produce performant and robust concurrent Lisp programs.
As before, the talk will be pre-recorded and played back on Twitch, with
the ability to comment on the Twitch chat during playback. The videos
will make it onto YouTube. In my evening, I plan on organizing an online
drink and chat on Jitsi.
* Date: 5th August 2020
* Time: 13:00 CEST - https://time.is/en/CEST
* Talk: https://www.twitch.tv/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp
* Hangout: https://chat.heisig.xyz/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp @ 19:00 CEST
Massive thanks to Marco Heisig for providing the Jitsi instance where we
can hang out after the talk. (This time I've actually put in an hour for
that! That's a part of success.)
A mailing list has been created for the purpose of organizing and
promoting the online talks. Further announcements will be posted there.
See https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo/online-lisp-meets
If you'd like to submit something yourself, please feel free to. The
slots are almost always open - there's no real queue for these videos.
BR and see you!
Michał "phoe" Herda
Good morning, everyone!
We officially start running out of fingers on a single hand, because
this Online Lisp Meeting shall be the fifth one.
We will have a pair of speakers this time: Bonface Munyoki, a software
developer with a keen interest in functional programming, and Robert
Strandh of SICL fame.
Bonface will talk about Guix Past:
> In the field of software development, libraries and tools evolve quickly
> to keep up with trends, improvements in hardware or to work around
> discovered/ exposed vulnerabilities. People, across diverse fields,
> adapt their work by updating the libraries they use to keep up. For
> scientists, that normally does not happen. Rarely will people maintain
> the code they wrote for a paper they published; instead, it's the
> impetus of the reader to reproduce the code based off the paper they
> read. Outside academic papers, for long-living projects like
> genenetwork¹, it would be desirable to provide a "time-machine" that
> enables the user to jump between various past versions. Guix past³ is a
> project initiated by Guix-HPC² that aims to provide these old, sometimes
> archived libraries to users with the goal of enabling people to
> reproduce old builds of software they used a couple of years ago.
> ¹ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeneNetwork
> ² https://hpc.guix.info/
> ³ https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past
Robert will continue talking about creating a Common Lisp implementation
with part 2 of his talk.
> In this series of presentations, we examine different strategies for
> creating a Common Lisp implementation, as well as the pros and cons of
> each strategy.
> We assume basic knowledge about how a typical modern operating system
> (such as Unix) works, and how traditional batch languages (such as C)
> are compiled and executed on such a system. We furthermore assume
> medium-level knowledge about Common Lisp.
> In part 2, we sketch a possible compiler that generates byte codes,
> and an abstract machine for interpreting such byte codes.
As before, the talk will be pre-recorded and played back on Twitch, with
the ability to comment on the Twitch chat during playback. The videos
will make it onto YouTube. In my evening, I plan on organizing an online
drink and chat on Jitsi (I know that I promised you that the last time
and didn't deliver - I wholeheartedly apologize.) - let's discuss that
on #lispcafe.
* Date: 22nd July 2020
* Time: 13:00 CEST - https://time.is/en/CEST
* Talk: https://www.twitch.tv/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp
* Hangout: https://chat.heisig.xyz/TwitchPlaysCommonLisp
Massive thanks to Marco Heisig for providing the Jitsi instance where we
can hang out after the talk. (Ha! No one noticed that I called him Macro
in the previous mail. Strangely suitable, anyway.)
A mailing list has been created for the purpose of organizing and
promoting the online talks. Further announcements will be posted there.
See https://mailman.common-lisp.net/listinfo/online-lisp-meets
If you'd like to submit something yourself, please feel free to. The
slots are almost always open - there's no real queue for these videos.
BR and see you!
Michał "phoe" Herda