Oops, I should have loaded everything into a fresh image. The problem is fixed by a patch I just pushed to the Parenscript repository. The gory details is that there was a patch pushed previously that introduced some changes to the way Parenscript handled symbols, which stripped out package information from macro names. I think this is the third time someone has tried to introduce "Parenscript symbols." There really is nothing wrong (and a lot of things otherwise not possible) with using Common Lisp symbols as-is. Vladimir On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Andrew Peterson <andy.arvid@gmail.com> wrote:
There is a conflict between parenscript and css-lite. Css-lite redefines the parenscript operator % (javascript modulo operator)
css-lite.lisp: #+parenscript (ps:defpsmacro % (val) `(ps:+ ,val "%"))
causes this behavior: ; SLIME 2008-07-05 CL-USER> (lisp-implementation-type) "SBCL" CL-USER> (lisp-implementation-version) "1.0.18" CL-USER> (require :parenscript) NIL CL-USER> (in-package :parenscript) #<PACKAGE "PARENSCRIPT"> PS> (ps (% 3 2)) "3 % 2;" PS> (require :css-lite) NIL PS> (ps (% 3 2)) error while parsing arguments to DESTRUCTURING-BIND: invalid number of elements in (3 2) to satisfy lambda list (CSS-LITE::VAL): exactly 1 expected, but 2 found [Condition of type SB-KERNEL::ARG-COUNT-ERROR]
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