What's the current state of common-lisp.net ?
I'm asking because at ELS'13 I have been informed that the mailing list links on some of the pages I maintain don't work anymore (CDR and Closer to MOP). This seems to be an effect of the move from mailman to whatever system is used now. I contacted the maintainer of common-lisp.net about this, to ask what URLs to use instead, but I'm not getting any responses.
At ELS'13 there was also a lightning talk about the common-lisp.net situation, but I didn't catch all the details. Could somebody repeat what was said then? And more specifically, how do others deal with the mailing list changes?
Pascal Costanza
Dear all,
following up the CDR discussion that took place aside the European Lisp Symposium in Madrid a week ago, I prepared this document that specifies how a CL environment can test for the "presence" of a given CDR.
I wanted to pass it around before submitting it formally to the CDR editors.
all the best
Marco Antoniotti, Associate Professor tel. +39 - 02 64 48 79 01
DISCo, Università Milano Bicocca U14 2043 http://bimib.disco.unimib.it
Viale Sarca 336
I-20126 Milan (MI) ITALY
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