Hello Burton, I'm afraid there's not a lot of action on this list, but welcome all the same. For my part, Common Lisp isn't really part of my daily life anymore - I use Racket a fair bit, and Elisp. -- tealeg (Geoff) On Fri, 8 May 2020 at 07:02, Burton Samograd <busfactor1@icloud.com> wrote:
Just wanted to say hello.
Burton Samograd A Fellow Lisper

I haven't used Common Lisp at work for a few years, but I'm back with a different Lisp, and looking for partners. My startup is looking for Lispers who would today be co-founders, and/or "tomorrow", employees. Our code is written in Gerbil Scheme (which feels like Racket, but is also on top of Gambit, that feels like Common Lisp). It implements a compiler for a typed functional DSL for blockchain decentralized applications. If all these things interest you (or at least, enough of them gather interest, and none brings disgust), then contact me! https://mukn.io (We're also looking for customers, angel investors, etc.) I still maintain my old CL code, and use some of it daily, but it's not getting much new development, except after being ported to Gerbil. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Pray: To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner confessedly unworthy. — Ambrose Bierce On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 2:54 AM Geoffrey Teale <tealeg@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Burton,
I'm afraid there's not a lot of action on this list, but welcome all the same.
For my part, Common Lisp isn't really part of my daily life anymore - I use Racket a fair bit, and Elisp.
-- tealeg (Geoff)
On Fri, 8 May 2020 at 07:02, Burton Samograd <busfactor1@icloud.com> wrote:
Just wanted to say hello.
Burton Samograd A Fellow Lisper

Hey Burton, This list is not very active, but some of us still use Common Lisp as their main language :) Best regards, Daniel On May 8, 2020 8:53:11 AM GMT+02:00, Geoffrey Teale <tealeg@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Burton,
I'm afraid there's not a lot of action on this list, but welcome all the same.
For my part, Common Lisp isn't really part of my daily life anymore - I use Racket a fair bit, and Elisp.

Yep, still a "pro" here. :-D
Ditto, though I guess it depends on how you define "pro." Would love to get paid to write CL, but so far haven't been that lucky. I do Linux admin/infrastructure by trade, so most of my hobby projects start out as shell scripts and then move to CL when the scripts get too messy to maintain. ;-) -Scott

One more pro here! Whatever pro means! ;-) Using lisp in my day-by-day work as researchers in NLP and Logics. But recently working more to dependent type systems like http://leanprover.github.io. Best, -- Alexandre Rademaker http://arademaker.github.io

Does academia count as professional? Anyway, full time research programmer at a university still using Common Lisp to implement cognitive models in the Psychology department. As well as using CL in my spare time for an obscure art form called change ringing, both for creating compositions and as the guts of a web site. -- Don Morrison <dfm@ringing.org> “After all these years I have observed that beauty, like happiness, is frequent. A day does not pass when we are not, for an instant, in paradise.” — Jorge Luis Borges, /Los Conjurados/, tr Willis Barnstone

I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling. Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing. I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be… - David McClain Tucson, AZ, USA

Thanks for all the great replies. Good to know you all. I’ve been a Lisper for about 15 years. https://github.com/burtonsamograd <https://github.com/burtonsamograd> https://github <https://github/>.com/BusFactor1Inc Burton Samograd
On May 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, dbm@refined-audiometrics.com wrote:
I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling.
Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing.
I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be…
- David McClain Tucson, AZ, USA

I've been using Common Lisp ... pretty much since it was a thing. So, yes, that must be almost 30 years, starting on a Symbolics. And I've used it professionally pretty much that whole time, with occasional divergences to other languages for the odd project here and there. Mostly AI stuff, a lot of symbolic computing, but other stuff as well. Have a good weekend, all! On 8 May 2020, at 14:36, Burton Samograd wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies. Good to know you all.
I’ve been a Lisper for about 15 years.
https://github.com/burtonsamograd <https://github.com/burtonsamograd> https://github <https://github/>.com/BusFactor1Inc
Burton Samograd
On May 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, dbm@refined-audiometrics.com wrote:
I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling.
Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing.
I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be…
- David McClain Tucson, AZ, USA
Robert P. Goldman Research Fellow Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC) 319 N. First Ave., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net

I'm still on the list too and always have a SLIME/SBCL repl open in Emacs just in case but I'm mostly managing now for a team that uses Python. On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:48 PM Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I've been using Common Lisp ... pretty much since it was a thing. So, yes, that must be almost 30 years, starting on a Symbolics.
And I've used it professionally pretty much that whole time, with occasional divergences to other languages for the odd project here and there.
Mostly AI stuff, a lot of symbolic computing, but other stuff as well.
Have a good weekend, all!
On 8 May 2020, at 14:36, Burton Samograd wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies. Good to know you all.
I’ve been a Lisper for about 15 years.
https://github.com/burtonsamograd https://github.com/BusFactor1Inc
Burton Samograd
On May 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, dbm@refined-audiometrics.com wrote:
I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling.
Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing.
I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be…
- David McClain Tucson, AZ, USA
Robert P. Goldman Research Fellow Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)
319 N. First Ave., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401
Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net
-- Peter Seibel http://www.gigamonkeys.com/

Hi Peter! That describes me, too. —Scott
On May 8, 2020, at 8:11 PM, Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
I'm still on the list too and always have a SLIME/SBCL repl open in Emacs just in case but I'm mostly managing now for a team that uses Python.
On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:48 PM Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote: I've been using Common Lisp ... pretty much since it was a thing. So, yes, that must be almost 30 years, starting on a Symbolics.
And I've used it professionally pretty much that whole time, with occasional divergences to other languages for the odd project here and there.
Mostly AI stuff, a lot of symbolic computing, but other stuff as well.
Have a good weekend, all!
On 8 May 2020, at 14:36, Burton Samograd wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies. Good to know you all.
I’ve been a Lisper for about 15 years.
https://github.com/burtonsamograd https://github.com/BusFactor1Inc
Burton Samograd
On May 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, dbm@refined-audiometrics.com wrote:
I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling.
Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing.
I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be…
- David McClain Tucson, AZ, USA
Robert P. Goldman Research Fellow Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)
319 N. First Ave., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401
Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net
-- Peter Seibel http://www.gigamonkeys.com/

Hi all, nice to read this reach-out thread on an otherwise rather silent list! Here's my contribution. Like some of you, I work in the academy with Lisp, which is not always easy, but always gratifying. As a professor of computer science, I have the opportunity to use it in two courses: one on functional programming (along with Haskell) and another one on OO, which is also a good way to show some MOP to young students ;-) I don't think there are many places left in France where undergrads see some Lisp, so I struggle to maintain that. I came to CL around 2006, which is rather late in my career, but something I rarely related is how I came to Lisp (as a family of dialects). Back in the early 90s, as an undergraduate, I had a course on neural nets and a 3 hours practical session in which we had to implement one for character recognition on 32x32 B/W images IIRC. I believe we had to to it in some version of Scheme and this was my first encounter with the language. Later on, during my PhD, I worked on cognitive science and virtual reality, and I developed an application in C with OpenGL, for which I felt the need to add a scripting language for easy customization. The little memory I had of Scheme made me turn to Guile, which, at the time, was quite easy to interface with C. At the same time, I became involved in XEmacs and eventually became one of the core maintainers for several years. The funny thing is that those experiences didn't really trigger a vocation; merely some interest. Probably because I just hadn't thought the whole thing through, I still continued to program in C for various things. Until I started to write Clon (my command-line options management library), at least the early version, in C. There, I vividly remember getting more and more annoyed by the day, having to deal with low-level stuff (such as memory management) by hand. And I started wondering why I was still using that language, in spite of being completely free of my own choices. Then, I sort of suddenly remembered I liked Lisp, grabbed Graham's book on CL, and started rewriting Clon in Lisp. That was my first involvement with the language... Retrospectively, I'm still puzzled that it took me so long so acknowledge... my own taste. It's like Lisp was always there, in the back of my head, but I just hadn't realized it. Funny how things work. Stay safe! -- Resistance is futile. You will be jazzimilated. Lisp, Jazz, Aïkido: http://www.didierverna.info

Hi Peter, Loved your books BTW. I've been in and out of management since my late twenties. I'm never quite sure if I should stick or twist. Either way, pure engineering, or pure management is preferable to the horrible middle ground. I've been sold titles like Architect and Principal Engineer but it all seems to resolve down to "be a key player in the code, but also deal with all this project management and team management stuff too". I'm about to start a new role at a new firm, so the dance begins again. -- Geoff On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 02:11, Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
I'm still on the list too and always have a SLIME/SBCL repl open in Emacs just in case but I'm mostly managing now for a team that uses Python.
On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:48 PM Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I've been using Common Lisp ... pretty much since it was a thing. So, yes, that must be almost 30 years, starting on a Symbolics.
And I've used it professionally pretty much that whole time, with occasional divergences to other languages for the odd project here and there.
Mostly AI stuff, a lot of symbolic computing, but other stuff as well.
Have a good weekend, all!
On 8 May 2020, at 14:36, Burton Samograd wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies. Good to know you all.
I’ve been a Lisper for about 15 years.
https://github.com/burtonsamograd https://github.com/BusFactor1Inc
Burton Samograd
On May 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, dbm@refined-audiometrics.com wrote:
I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling.
Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing.
I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be…
- David McClain Tucson, AZ, USA
Robert P. Goldman Research Fellow Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC)
319 N. First Ave., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401
Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net
-- Peter Seibel http://www.gigamonkeys.com/

Yow, Here’re my 2c too: By the time I got to college I was all about the purity of C and how that supposedly allowed great control over what was going on in the machine. Then I learned about Scheme and Common Lisp in a few AI courses and eventually got hooked by its conceptual elegance (the sometimes gory... Compromises came later) and above all how much simpler it was to express my thought process using it. When I left college I was fortunate enough to find my way into a company founded by a couple of Professors in 1986 to work on hard optimization problems (SISCOG). Since they had taken their PhDs on AI in the 70s they picked Lisp and even helped sell Lisp Machines here in Portugal for a few years. Have been programming professionally using Lisp for the past 15 years. Every now and then there’s talk about moving to a more mainstream language, but we do our best to make using Lisp worthwhile. For the cause! Cheers, TMD. On 9 May 2020, 09:42 +0000, Geoffrey Teale <tealeg@gmail.com>, wrote:
Hi Peter,
Loved your books BTW. I've been in and out of management since my late twenties. I'm never quite sure if I should stick or twist. Either way, pure engineering, or pure management is preferable to the horrible middle ground. I've been sold titles like Architect and Principal Engineer but it all seems to resolve down to "be a key player in the code, but also deal with all this project management and team management stuff too". I'm about to start a new role at a new firm, so the dance begins again.
-- Geoff
On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 02:11, Peter Seibel <peter@gigamonkeys.com> wrote:
I'm still on the list too and always have a SLIME/SBCL repl open in Emacs just in case but I'm mostly managing now for a team that uses Python.
On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 4:48 PM Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
I've been using Common Lisp ... pretty much since it was a thing. So, yes, that must be almost 30 years, starting on a Symbolics. And I've used it professionally pretty much that whole time, with occasional divergences to other languages for the odd project here and there. Mostly AI stuff, a lot of symbolic computing, but other stuff as well. Have a good weekend, all! On 8 May 2020, at 14:36, Burton Samograd wrote:
Thanks for all the great replies. Good to know you all.
I’ve been a Lisper for about 15 years.
https://github.com/burtonsamograd https://github.com/BusFactor1Inc
Burton Samograd
> On May 8, 2020, at 10:15 AM, dbm@refined-audiometrics.com wrote: > > I have been using CL now for about 30 years. Professionally and avocationally, I use it for signal and image processing, cryptography, market trading and risk modeling, machine and instrument control, and just general math modeling. > > Now, I guess, I am finally retired… so I support myself with Lisp and market trading. And, avocationally, I use it for music composition, sound processing, and astronomical image processing. > > I am an old Astrophysicist who started with Forth and found Lisp as its natural evolution to what Forth always wanted to be… > > - David McClain > Tucson, AZ, USA > > >
Robert P. Goldman Research Fellow Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC) 319 N. First Ave., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net
-- Peter Seibel http://www.gigamonkeys.com/

Daniel Kochma??ski wrote on Fri, May 08, 2020 at 09:32:56AM +0200:
Hey Burton,
This list is not very active, but some of us still use Common Lisp as their main language :)
This list was heavily used by the reservation system side of ITA Software. The reservation system went under, and the ITA Flights Search people are more into IRC, reddit and the like. There were also some different opinions on open source and implementation details. Myself I'm in a new Common Lisp job after being ITA/GoogleFlights inventory (on the search side). We use Clasp Common Lisp for computational chemistry. Check out our demo videos, from Lisp/programming conferences. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xYBaHwB2kDCXaRALXdh7w We already hired another full-time programmer who mostly does Lisp. So far so good I'd say. Martin -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> http://www.cons.org/cracauer/

Hey Martin, Good to hear from you! Thanks for the computational chemistry links! I have a passing interest in that. I have not used CL since the ITA / Google reservation system project stopped. :-( I did a bunch of JavaScript for a while, and pretended it was Lisp. Now I’m at a small robotics startup, and just in the process of moving the group toward Julia. For some Lidar point cloud and camera perception stuff, and other analysis in the autonomous vehicle space. I’m liking Julia a lot. Probably because they made a lot of the same language design choices we did with Dylan. And a few that I wish we had made. ;-) Bob
On May 8, 2020, at 11:26 AM, Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> wrote:
Daniel Kochma??ski wrote on Fri, May 08, 2020 at 09:32:56AM +0200:
Hey Burton,
This list is not very active, but some of us still use Common Lisp as their main language :)
This list was heavily used by the reservation system side of ITA Software. The reservation system went under, and the ITA Flights Search people are more into IRC, reddit and the like. There were also some different opinions on open source and implementation details.
Myself I'm in a new Common Lisp job after being ITA/GoogleFlights inventory (on the search side). We use Clasp Common Lisp for computational chemistry. Check out our demo videos, from Lisp/programming conferences. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xYBaHwB2kDCXaRALXdh7w
We already hired another full-time programmer who mostly does Lisp. So far so good I'd say.
Martin -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> http://www.cons.org/cracauer/

Time to resurrect The Road to Lisp? :) Didier you remind me of how I ignored the MCL ads in the APDA catalog when looking for sth better than C, until someone watching my public search dope-slapped me on Compuserve and I saw the light. And I had prototyped my project in Logo and tried porting it to ExperLisp!! Perhaps struggles with the latter carried over. Glad we both completed our journeys. On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 10:36 AM Bob Cassels <bobcassels@netscape.net> wrote:
Hey Martin,
Good to hear from you! Thanks for the computational chemistry links! I have a passing interest in that.
I have not used CL since the ITA / Google reservation system project stopped. :-(
I did a bunch of JavaScript for a while, and pretended it was Lisp. Now I’m at a small robotics startup, and just in the process of moving the group toward Julia. For some Lidar point cloud and camera perception stuff, and other analysis in the autonomous vehicle space. I’m liking Julia a lot. Probably because they made a lot of the same language design choices we did with Dylan. And a few that I wish we had made. ;-)
On May 8, 2020, at 11:26 AM, Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> wrote:
Hey Burton,
This list is not very active, but some of us still use Common Lisp as
Daniel Kochma??ski wrote on Fri, May 08, 2020 at 09:32:56AM +0200: their main language :)
This list was heavily used by the reservation system side of ITA Software. The reservation system went under, and the ITA Flights Search people are more into IRC, reddit and the like. There were also some different opinions on open source and implementation details.
Myself I'm in a new Common Lisp job after being ITA/GoogleFlights inventory (on the search side). We use Clasp Common Lisp for computational chemistry. Check out our demo videos, from Lisp/programming conferences. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4xYBaHwB2kDCXaRALXdh7w
We already hired another full-time programmer who mostly does Lisp. So far so good I'd say.
Martin -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> http://www.cons.org/cracauer/
-- Kenneth Tilton http://tiltontec.com/

Hi Some of us ever teach it to students Regards Zbyszek Jurkiewicz IIUW, Warsaw Cytowanie Daniel Kochmański <daniel@turtleware.eu>:
Hey Burton,
This list is not very active, but some of us still use Common Lisp as their main language :)
Best regards, Daniel
On May 8, 2020 8:53:11 AM GMT+02:00, Geoffrey Teale <tealeg@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Burton,
I'm afraid there's not a lot of action on this list, but welcome all the same.
For my part, Common Lisp isn't really part of my daily life anymore - I use Racket a fair bit, and Elisp.

Hello Burton, I have used Common Lisp exclusively for both hobby and professional contract work for the past 12 years. It's nice to have you here, even if this list doesn't get much of any activity as of late. Michael On Fri, May 8, 2020, at 12:43 AM, Burton Samograd wrote:
Just wanted to say hello.
Burton Samograd A Fellow Lisper

As with many others here, I previously used Common Lisp for daily work, mostly at startups-- spanning 2005-2012 with spurts over 2015-2018 and some Erlang & Scheme in between. I had since moved mostly to Rust exclusively with some Python work last autumn and again starting last week with Clojure to be in the mix soon. For something in between CL and Rust, I started looking at Carp but haven't committed. Somewhere under https://github.com/carp-lang/Carp it says "Carp borrows its looks from Clojure but the runtime semantics are much closer to those of ML or Rust." I've met some of you at the Lisp 50 Birthday Party in Nashville. At the time, I was there from Seattle. After a brief tour of duty in San Francisco, I'm now in Vancouver and always open to meeting for coffee/tea/beer/cider. -Daniel Pezely -- first name at last name dot com

All: A few years back, I used CL to build a HF trading application with CL (SBCL). Didn't get much traction, but have used CL ever since, and now as a security consultant I write a lot of CL to build reports and do textual and other analysis. Including some Ham Radio Logs. wglb On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 8:43 PM Clint Moore <clint@ivy.io> wrote:
Hello there, Burton.
Nice to see some traffic on this list for once! I'm fortunate enough to get to work with CL all day.
On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 10:02 PM Burton Samograd <busfactor1@icloud.com> wrote:
Just wanted to say hello.
Burton Samograd A Fellow Lisper

Lisp has been my bread and butter for over 30 years. I have worked on the LispWorks implementation at Harlequin, as an independent consultant using LW to build desktop applications, and more recently with RavenPack implementing computational linguistics (mainly) in Allegro. Never a boring day. -nick

Hi Alexandre. We process text (in bulk), mostly news but from other sources also, and we extract meaning from it. The more sophisticated this becomes, the greater our need to pull each sentence apart and see how it really ticks. “Parts of speech“ is an important stepping stone; “computational linguistics” is the broader study. - nick https://www.ravenpack.com/careers/computational-linguist https://www.ravenpack.com/careers/common-lisp-developer
On 10 May 2020, at 13:35, Alexandre Rademaker <arademaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Nick,
Can you tell more about it?
RavenPack implementing computational linguistics (mainly) in Allegro.
Alexandre Sent from my iPhone

Since everyone is doing it, I'll join the fray! Haven't used a Lisp professionally in forever. I did Scheme from undergrad to grad school (with Dr Scheme and then Gambit), I used SISC to work on a major retail website around 2006, and as far as Common Lisp is concerned, I worked with Allegro CL in 2008 to do NLP in for English and Japanese. I still fire up SBCL/quicklisp for hobby projects. Cheers, P! On Sun, 10 May 2020 at 11:18, Nick Levine <nick@nicklevine.org> wrote:
Hi Alexandre.
We process text (in bulk), mostly news but from other sources also, and we extract meaning from it. The more sophisticated this becomes, the greater our need to pull each sentence apart and see how it really ticks. “Parts of speech“ is an important stepping stone; “computational linguistics” is the broader study.
- nick
On 10 May 2020, at 13:35, Alexandre Rademaker <arademaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Nick,
Can you tell more about it?
RavenPack implementing computational linguistics (mainly) in Allegro.
Alexandre Sent from my iPhone
-- Français, English, 日本語, 한국어, 中文

Hi, Used CL professionally from 2008 to 2017, now working mostly with Java and a little bit of Perl (yes, Perl as in Perl). Transitioning to Perl was hard, but after about a year I grew to have some respect for it. Moose is actually a pretty developer friendly OO framework, and it reminds me in many aspects of CLOS. Now Java... That has been a hard transition. Even with all the niceties they've been introducing since Java 8 (the Streams API for example), it's just a pain in the neck. Testing for example can be extremely painful, especially when working with legacy code with lots of anti-patterns (mocking and stubbing is a nightmare in some cases). And even with all the improvements to the language, it still encourages a great deal of verbosity. Anyway, I still hang on to Emacs and use Emacs Lisp occasionally for throwaway scripts. I do miss CL though. I wish there were more CL jobs going around. Cheers, r. On Wed, 13 May 2020, 08:40 Adrien Piérard, <axioplase@gmail.com> wrote:
Since everyone is doing it, I'll join the fray!
Haven't used a Lisp professionally in forever. I did Scheme from undergrad to grad school (with Dr Scheme and then Gambit), I used SISC to work on a major retail website around 2006, and as far as Common Lisp is concerned, I worked with Allegro CL in 2008 to do NLP in for English and Japanese. I still fire up SBCL/quicklisp for hobby projects.
On Sun, 10 May 2020 at 11:18, Nick Levine <nick@nicklevine.org> wrote:
Hi Alexandre.
We process text (in bulk), mostly news but from other sources also, and we extract meaning from it. The more sophisticated this becomes, the greater our need to pull each sentence apart and see how it really ticks. “Parts of speech“ is an important stepping stone; “computational linguistics” is the broader study.
- nick
On 10 May 2020, at 13:35, Alexandre Rademaker <arademaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Nick,
Can you tell more about it?
RavenPack implementing computational linguistics (mainly) in Allegro.
Alexandre Sent from my iPhone
-- Français, English, 日本語, 한국어, 中文

Using CL every day and making a living from it. On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 5:45 AM Rudi Araújo <rudi.araujo@gmail.com> wrote:
Used CL professionally from 2008 to 2017, now working mostly with Java and a little bit of Perl (yes, Perl as in Perl).
Transitioning to Perl was hard, but after about a year I grew to have some respect for it. Moose is actually a pretty developer friendly OO framework, and it reminds me in many aspects of CLOS. Now Java... That has been a hard transition. Even with all the niceties they've been introducing since Java 8 (the Streams API for example), it's just a pain in the neck. Testing for example can be extremely painful, especially when working with legacy code with lots of anti-patterns (mocking and stubbing is a nightmare in some cases). And even with all the improvements to the language, it still encourages a great deal of verbosity.
Anyway, I still hang on to Emacs and use Emacs Lisp occasionally for throwaway scripts. I do miss CL though. I wish there were more CL jobs going around.
Cheers, r.
On Wed, 13 May 2020, 08:40 Adrien Piérard, <axioplase@gmail.com> wrote:
Since everyone is doing it, I'll join the fray!
Haven't used a Lisp professionally in forever. I did Scheme from undergrad to grad school (with Dr Scheme and then Gambit), I used SISC to work on a major retail website around 2006, and as far as Common Lisp is concerned, I worked with Allegro CL in 2008 to do NLP in for English and Japanese. I still fire up SBCL/quicklisp for hobby projects.
On Sun, 10 May 2020 at 11:18, Nick Levine <nick@nicklevine.org> wrote:
Hi Alexandre.
We process text (in bulk), mostly news but from other sources also, and we extract meaning from it. The more sophisticated this becomes, the greater our need to pull each sentence apart and see how it really ticks. “Parts of speech“ is an important stepping stone; “computational linguistics” is the broader study.
- nick
On 10 May 2020, at 13:35, Alexandre Rademaker <arademaker@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Nick,
Can you tell more about it?
RavenPack implementing computational linguistics (mainly) in Allegro.
Alexandre Sent from my iPhone
-- Français, English, 日本語, 한국어, 中文
-- My Best, Dave Cooper, david.cooper@gen.works genworks.com, gendl.org +1 248-330-2979

I suppose I was at best a semi-pro - I used CL for my Master's work in the 2008-2012 timeframe. Later on I built a personal monitoring tool for my workstation, a early Prometheus really. Later on I lucked into a Clojure shop.... and was assigned to a Python team. Ha. These days I mostly do Scala at home and Go, Java, or Python at work. Lisp is still far ahead of the curve in many ways. Visions of the road not taken... Regards, Paul On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 8:28 AM Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> wrote:
On Wed, May 13, 2020 at 5:49 AM Dave Cooper <david.cooper@genworks.com> wrote:
Using CL every day and making a living from it.
Knock loudly on wood 🌳, i should have added!
-- My Best,
Dave Cooper, david.cooper@gen.works genworks.com <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://genworks.com__;!!JYXjzlvb!yv8-GAeasZ5DYXWAlty5tE6b0kzH80SsT2ErTgP8VZbHDMKY4LDHBs8ulBJPVaXVNTHDPX0$>, gendl.org <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://gendl.org__;!!JYXjzlvb!yv8-GAeasZ5DYXWAlty5tE6b0kzH80SsT2ErTgP8VZbHDMKY4LDHBs8ulBJPVaXVdzmdnjo$> +1 248-330-2979

Rudi Ara??jo wrote on Wed, May 13, 2020 at 11:43:48AM +0200:
Used CL professionally from 2008 to 2017, now working mostly with Java and a little bit of Perl (yes, Perl as in Perl).
Transitioning to Perl was hard, but after about a year I grew to have some respect for it.
I have come to respect Perl more, from a Common Lisp perspective. Both Common Lisp and Perl are about code compression. Common Lisp enables you to compress the complex things into tiny pieces of code. Perl enables you to compress the common things into tiny pieces of code. As people who work on complex things we are biased to prefer the former, but from a perspective of an application suitable for perl I can't help but really appreciate the kind of code compression it offers. Noisy languages like Python or heaven forbid Java compress nothing. I don't mind having to type so much in the first place, but the change rates later kill me. I should go write more about compile-time computing and Lisp advocacy now... Martin -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> http://www.cons.org/cracauer/

Transitioning to Perl was hard, but after about a year I grew to have some respect for it.
I have come to respect Perl more, from a Common Lisp perspective.
Both Common Lisp and Perl are about code compression. Common Lisp enables you to compress the complex things into tiny pieces of code. Perl enables you to compress the common things into tiny pieces of code.
i would argue against calling a high level of freedom to formally express abstractions as... 'code compression'. the latter is certainly a sideffect of the former, but the goal is not code compression per se. -- • attila lendvai • PGP: 963F 5D5F 45C7 DFCD 0A39 -- “We cannot train our babies not to need us. Whether it's the middle of the day or the middle of the night, their needs are real and valid, including the need for a simple human touch. A 'trained' baby may give up on his needs being met, but the need is still there, just not the trust.” — L. R. Knost

Attila Lendvai wrote on Wed, May 13, 2020 at 02:35:52PM +0200:
Transitioning to Perl was hard, but after about a year I grew to have some respect for it.
I have come to respect Perl more, from a Common Lisp perspective.
Both Common Lisp and Perl are about code compression. Common Lisp enables you to compress the complex things into tiny pieces of code. Perl enables you to compress the common things into tiny pieces of code.
i would argue against calling a high level of freedom to formally express abstractions as... 'code compression'. the latter is certainly a sideffect of the former, but the goal is not code compression per se.
Absolutely. My way of thinking here comes from Common Lisp's property of "keep each assumption during coding into a single place and leave it in a single place". So that when the assumption changes later you only have one place to edit. And (more importantly) you know precisely how many places you have to edit (n_places != 1 would be fine if it was known for sure, but it isn't know in languages without compile-time computing). When I program like that the critical parts of the program tend to be concentrated in small amounts of source code, so I used the terminology of "compressing code for the complicated cases" for Lisp. Martin -- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Martin Cracauer <cracauer@cons.org> http://www.cons.org/cracauer/

Hi all, In case anyone is looking for a lisp gig in Lviv or Kyiv: https://jobs.lever.co/keepit/0ed78414-9a3e-473b-a043-0763ec10b2e9 Rudi Araújo writes:
Anyway, I still hang on to Emacs and use Emacs Lisp occasionally for throwaway scripts. I do miss CL though. I wish there were more CL jobs going around.
Ask and you shall receive ;) -- Jakob Østergaard Hegelund | Head of Engineering +45 22 94 81 00 | joe@keepit.com | keepit.com This e-mail is sent to you from Keepit A/S. Back-up your data in a cloudy future. VAT: DK30806883, Per Henrik Lings Allé 4, 7., DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. This e-mail is sent to you directly and is meant for nobody else. If the e-mail contains personal data that Keepit is responsible for and the e-mail was not meant for you, please do not forward, distribute, or copy, i.e. but return the e-mail to sender. Also, do not send the e-mail to a third party without making sure that you have our prior consent. Distribution of this e-mail to unauthorized receivers may have legal consequences. If you have received an e-mail from us and you don’t know why, then please refer to the section “Marketing” in our Privacy and Cookie Policy<https://www.keepit.com/cookie-and-privacy-policy/>. If you do not want to receive more e-mails from us, please contact business.support@keepit.com<mailto:business.support@keepit.com>.

These guys sound pretty cool, actually! On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:27 AM Jakob Østergaard Hegelund <joe@keepit.com> wrote:
Hi all,
In case anyone is looking for a lisp gig in Lviv or Kyiv:
Rudi Araújo writes:
Anyway, I still hang on to Emacs and use Emacs Lisp occasionally for throwaway scripts. I do miss CL though. I wish there were more CL jobs going around.
Ask and you shall receive ;)
-- Jakob Østergaard Hegelund | Head of Engineering +45 22 94 81 00 | joe@keepit.com | keepit.com
This e-mail is sent to you from Keepit A/S. Back-up your data in a cloudy future. VAT: DK30806883, Per Henrik Lings Allé 4, 7., DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
This e-mail is sent to you directly and is meant for nobody else. If the e-mail contains personal data that Keepit is responsible for and the e-mail was not meant for you, please do not forward, distribute, or copy, i.e. but return the e-mail to sender. Also, do not send the e-mail to a third party without making sure that you have our prior consent. Distribution of this e-mail to unauthorized receivers may have legal consequences. If you have received an e-mail from us and you don’t know why, then please refer to the section “Marketing” in our Privacy and Cookie Policy< https://www.keepit.com/cookie-and-privacy-policy/>. If you do not want to receive more e-mails from us, please contact business.support@keepit.com<mailto:business.support@keepit.com>.

Yeah, I was halfway thru a submission when I realized it was not remote. Glad to see CL is no deader than usual! On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:36 AM Scott McKay <swmckay@gmail.com> wrote:
These guys sound pretty cool, actually!
On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 7:27 AM Jakob Østergaard Hegelund <joe@keepit.com> wrote:
Hi all,
In case anyone is looking for a lisp gig in Lviv or Kyiv:
Rudi Araújo writes:
Anyway, I still hang on to Emacs and use Emacs Lisp occasionally for throwaway scripts. I do miss CL though. I wish there were more CL jobs going around.
Ask and you shall receive ;)
-- Jakob Østergaard Hegelund | Head of Engineering +45 22 94 81 00 | joe@keepit.com | keepit.com
This e-mail is sent to you from Keepit A/S. Back-up your data in a cloudy future. VAT: DK30806883, Per Henrik Lings Allé 4, 7., DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark.
This e-mail is sent to you directly and is meant for nobody else. If the e-mail contains personal data that Keepit is responsible for and the e-mail was not meant for you, please do not forward, distribute, or copy, i.e. but return the e-mail to sender. Also, do not send the e-mail to a third party without making sure that you have our prior consent. Distribution of this e-mail to unauthorized receivers may have legal consequences. If you have received an e-mail from us and you don’t know why, then please refer to the section “Marketing” in our Privacy and Cookie Policy< https://www.keepit.com/cookie-and-privacy-policy/>. If you do not want to receive more e-mails from us, please contact business.support@keepit.com<mailto:business.support@keepit.com>.
-- Kenneth Tilton http://tiltontec.com/

Hi; I am old enough to have used a CADR Lisp Machine (which fittingly exposed me not only to the high-voltage Zetalisp language, but the high-voltage CRT electronics, as the monitor was lacking an enclosure) . Most of my subsequent experience (sadly) has been in C/C++. Perhaps of interest to this list is the contribution Lisp programmers made in birthing non-player-characters for networked simulations/games <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIMNET>. A pity no-one has ever told the tale (you will be hard-pressed to find any details whatsoever on the Lisp contribution). My current endeavor integrates new Common Lisp code with complementary open source software. Worse may not really be better, but it seems to be a lot more widespread. -jm On Fri, May 8, 2020 at 1:03 AM Burton Samograd <busfactor1@icloud.com> wrote:
Just wanted to say hello.
Burton Samograd A Fellow Lisper
participants (31)
Adrien Piérard
Alexandre Rademaker
Attila Lendvai
Bob Cassels
Burton Samograd
Burton Samograd
Clint Moore
Daniel Kochmański
Dave Cooper
Didier Verna
Don Morrison
Geoffrey Teale
Jakob Østergaard Hegelund
John Morrison
Ken Tilton
Luís Oliveira
Martin Cracauer
Michael Fiano
Nick Levine
Peter Seibel
Robert Goldman
Rudi Araújo
Scott Helvick
Scott McKay
Tiago Maduro Dias
William Lederer
Zbyszek Jurkiewicz