[LispSea] topics for presentation?

What would you like to learn about or explore as a session topic? Based upon conversations and exchanges outside the mailing list, some have mentioned an interest in a demonstration of getting all the tweaky bits arranged for a complete development system beyond what LispBox offers. (See http://gigamonkeys.com/lispbox/) Because this is more involved than simply extracting a compressed tar file, it might become an hour long tutorial. Topic: How to set-up and stay current with cvs/svn/darcs repositories for Emacs, Slime, your lisp engine du jour, with common add-ons like asdf, asdf-install and libraries omitted from the standard spec such as split-sequence. Other topics? -Daniel

Earlier, I wrote:
What would you like to learn about or explore as a session topic?
So far, zero responses. (Not even a peep from the Brandon chat bot) Perhaps I should rephrase the question... What do you want to get out of this group? What would make for a meaningful presentation for you? What niche or need should be filled? (Voicing your opinion doesn't necessarily make you obliged to present the topic.) Thanks, -Daniel

Daniel J Pezely wrote:
Earlier, I wrote:
What would you like to learn about or explore as a session topic?
So far, zero responses. (Not even a peep from the Brandon chat bot)
Hi, I'm new (and a noob to Lisp)! In the past few months I've been starting to use Emacs Lisp and Scheme (scsh, specifically) more to help me in my duties as a system administrator. For some tasks, they're just great and as I learn more I'm able to use them to tackle ever-greater challenges. I'm slowly winding my way through Practical Common Lisp and SICP, but I'd also love to learn more about using Lisp to automate and manage Unix systems in particular. Is anyone doing this? Jeramey

Hi everyone, This might be a good time to introduce myself. I joined this mailing list a couple of days ago after seeing the post on c.l.l. I've been learning Common Lisp over the past year or so. I have about 12 years experience coding with other programming languages, mainly C/C++ and Java. I discovered Lisp after learning Ruby and Python. What do you want to get out of this group?
I would like to meet others more experience than myself, learn as much as I can about the language. If I can, I would like to contribute in some way. What would make for a meaningful presentation for you?
What niche or need should be filled? - Overview of the popular Common Lisps (SBCL, CLISP, ACL, LW, etc.) What are their strengths and weaknesses. - How to setup Emacs/Lisp from scratch (already mentioned) - Overview of writing various types of applications including Web, GUI, games, etc. Perhaps a separate session for each. - Debugging tips/tricks - Tips for writing portable CL Those are just a few right of the top of my head. If I can think of others I'll post them. I'm looking forward to the first meeting! Anthony Fairchild

What do you want to get out of this group?
What would make for a meaningful presentation for you?
What niche or need should be filled?
I suppose it's only fair that I answer my own questions, eh? I'm looking for an exchange among equals. So far, there have been quite a few people interested in getting help with the fierce learning curve. I'll post ideas regarding that in a couple of days. Personally-- I'm well into the process of becoming reacquainted with Lisp. (While my AutoLisp skills helped pay for college back in the late 1980's then using CLtL2-era Common Lisp in 1990-93, a lot changed since then and so have I.) What does "exchange among equals" actually mean? I'm looking to go deep, sharing practical experiences on things like an in-memory database system with hot replication to remote servers. For example, I'd like to add replication to Sven Van Caekenberghe's Prevalence system. See http://homepage.mac.com/svc/ and http://www.cliki.net/CommonLispPrevalence Yes, there are special mailing lists for that, but sometimes it's nice to do a show & tell and get others to actually try it before polluting someone else's source code repository with patches. I'm making Lisp my principal language-- professionally-- using it where I can. I'd like to share notes with others doing the same. Yes, SeaFunc is one possible forum for that. But perhaps most importantly, I would like a loose-knit group of individuals using Lisp professionally that might help one another find and secure jobs. And yes, maybe joining WSA.org would be best for that. Taking all this plus dozens of little intangible reasons and it makes sense doing all this within a Lisp specific group. -Daniel
participants (3)
Anthony Fairchild
Daniel J Pezely
Jeramey Crawford