On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 6:18 PM, Jens Teich <info(a)jensteich.de> wrote:
>> (define-easy-handler (tyler :uri "/tyler") ()
>> (multiple-value-bind (records fields)
>> (select [genus] [species] :from "specimens")
>> (loop for rec in records do
>> (loop for label in fields
>> for val in rec do
>> (with-html-output (*standard-output*)
>> (:dt :class label (str label))
>> (:dd :class label (str val)))))))
> use with-html-output-to-string
with-html-output-to-string produces no output, either to the REPL or
to the browser. Entering just the (M-V-B ...) expression (i.e.,
removing the define-easy-handler form) at the REPL also produces no
output using W-H-O-to-string.