I am at a bank behind a firewall, and, my previous crash seemed to indicate that something went wrong in ports.lisp (networking??). So I did a quick look see for the word proxy in asdf-install, and lo-and-behold, I found in defpackage.lisp an area where I could possibly configure proxy info... Now, my proxy information is as follows: Hostname is something.secret.rbc.com Port is 8080 Username someusername Password supersecret The proxy is an http proxy - how would you configure the parameters below, so that it will take these parameters above to configure the defpackage.lisp below. It's an http proxy, and I don't notice anywhere the ability to set up the port value.. Any ideas? (cl:in-package :cl-user) (defpackage #:asdf-install (:use #:common-lisp) (:export ;; Customizable variables. #:*shell-path* ; TODO: Undocumented #:*proxy* #:*cclan-mirror* #:asdf-install-dirs ; TODO: Undocumented #:private-asdf-install-dirs ; TODO: Undocumented #:*tar-extractor* ; TODO: Undocumented #:*program-directories* ; TODO: Undocumented #:*verify-gpg-signatures* #:*locations* #:*safe-url-prefixes* #:*preferred-location* #:*temporary-directory* ; TODO: Undocumented #:*system-file-installer* ;; External entry points. #:add-locations ; TODO: Undocumented #:add-registry-location ; TODO: Undocumented #:uninstall #:install #:asdf-install-version ; TODO: Undocumented #+(and asdf (or :win32 :mswindows)) #:sysdef-source-dir-search ;; proxy authentication #:*proxy-user* #:*proxy-passwd* ;; conditions #:download-error #:signature-error ; TODO: Undocumented #:gpg-error ; TODO: Undocumented #:gpg-shell-error ; TODO: Undocumented #:key-not-found #:key-not-trusted #:author-not-trusted #:installation-abort ; TODO: Undocumented ;; restarts #:install-anyways ; TODO: Undocumented )) (defpackage #:asdf-install-customize (:use #:common-lisp #:asdf-install) (:documentation "Used internally for loading user customization file.")) ;;; Local variables: ;;; indent-tabs-mode:nil ;;; End: _______________________________________________________________________ This email is intended only for the use of the individual(s) to whom it is addressed and may be privileged and confidential. Unauthorised use or disclosure is prohibited. If you receive This e-mail in error, please advise immediately and delete the original message. This message may have been altered without your or our knowledge and the sender does not accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the message. Ce courriel est confidentiel et protégé. L'expéditeur ne renonce pas aux droits et obligations qui s'y rapportent. Toute diffusion, utilisation ou copie de ce message ou des renseignements qu'il contient par une personne autre que le (les) destinataire(s) désigné(s) est interdite. Si vous recevez ce courriel par erreur, veuillez m'en aviser immédiatement, par retour de courriel ou par un autre moyen.