[Asdf-devel] Semantics of asdf:system-relative-pathname

Hello list, I just stumbled overthe following strangeness [1]: I've some code in directory foo that contains two asdf files, foo.asd and foo-test.asd, the later contains the following definition: (defsystem "foo-test" :version "0.1" :pathname "t" :serial t ..... ) Now, if I evaluate (asdf:system-relative-pathname :foo-test "baz" :type "rsc") I get a pathname relative to the _asdf-file_, while evaluating: (merge-pathnames "baz.rsc" (slot-value (asdf:find-system :foo-test) 'asdf::absolute-pathname)) yields the correct/expected pathname (i.e. one that honors the pathname spec. of the asdf system). Is this really intended behavior or just an oversight? Cheers, Ralf Mattes Footnotes: [1] in the sense of not following the principle o fleast astonishment

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Ralf Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
Hello list,
I just stumbled overthe following strangeness [1]:
I've some code in directory foo that contains two asdf files, foo.asd and foo-test.asd, the later contains the following definition:
(defsystem "foo-test" :version "0.1" :pathname "t" :serial t ..... )
Now, if I evaluate
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :foo-test "baz" :type "rsc")
I get a pathname relative to the _asdf-file_, while evaluating:
(merge-pathnames "baz.rsc" (slot-value (asdf:find-system :foo-test) 'asdf::absolute-pathname))
yields the correct/expected pathname (i.e. one that honors the pathname spec. of the asdf system).
Is this really intended behavior or just an oversight?
Cheers, Ralf Mattes
Footnotes: [1] in the sense of not following the principle o fleast astonishment
To put it in more "canonical" terms, the issue is that (asdf:system-source-directory (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/" (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/t/" Is it the right thing? Should system-relative-pathname use the latter rather than the former? I can't say. I don't want to think about these things anymore. The difference, if it persists, should be documented. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org You don't have to like everything about me, but if you don't love me the way I am, it's not me you love, only some fantasy of yours.

Faré wrote:
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Ralf Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
Hello list,
I just stumbled overthe following strangeness [1]:
I've some code in directory foo that contains two asdf files, foo.asd and foo-test.asd, the later contains the following definition:
(defsystem "foo-test" :version "0.1" :pathname "t" :serial t ..... )
Now, if I evaluate
(asdf:system-relative-pathname :foo-test "baz" :type "rsc")
I get a pathname relative to the _asdf-file_, while evaluating:
(merge-pathnames "baz.rsc" (slot-value (asdf:find-system :foo-test) 'asdf::absolute-pathname))
yields the correct/expected pathname (i.e. one that honors the pathname spec. of the asdf system).
Is this really intended behavior or just an oversight?
Cheers, Ralf Mattes
Footnotes: [1] in the sense of not following the principle o fleast astonishment
To put it in more "canonical" terms, the issue is that
(asdf:system-source-directory (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/" (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/t/"
Is it the right thing? Should system-relative-pathname use the latter rather than the former? I can't say. I don't want to think about these things anymore. The difference, if it persists, should be documented.
IMO, there is no *perfect* solution to this problem, and the current behavior is "as right as possible." this just shows that the top-level use of :pathname (instead of using a module) is problematic. On the one hand, it's clear that the programmer doesn't want any files to live in the top level of the system: the programmer wants the top level to have only the asdf file and maybe some READMEs, and make them more visible by pushing the sources into a subtree. According to this argument, your interpretation is correct. OTOH, what if you have a top level foo/ directory with the asdf system definition and subdirectories src/ and data/? In that case, you want ASDF:SYSTEM-RELATIVE-PATHNAME to be foo/ so that you have the choice of going to src/ or data/. In my opinion, what this disagreement shows is that top-level (i.e., at DEFSYSTEM) use of :PATHNAME is to be deprecated. If my system was (defsystem foo :components ((:module "src" ...) (:module "data" ...))) then the current behavior would be unambiguously correct. I think what this shows is that using :pathname at the root of a system definition is just wrong. Or, perhaps, that using :pathname at the root of the system should be interpreted (i.e., its semantics should be defined) "as if" it was defining an anonymous module (since that's what happens -- the :pathname doesn't affect the location of the :defsystem). I will wait for further discussion, but IMO, this is a WONTFIX. Best, r -- Robert P. Goldman Staff Scientist Smart Information Flow Technologies (d/b/a SIFT, LLC) 319 1st Ave N., Suite 400 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Voice: (612) 326-3934 Email: rpgoldman@SIFT.net

On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 2:58 PM, Robert Goldman <rpgoldman@sift.net> wrote:
Faré wrote:
On Thu, Sep 4, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Ralf Mattes <rm@mh-freiburg.de> wrote:
(defsystem "foo-test" :version "0.1" :pathname "t" :serial t ..... )
(asdf:system-source-directory (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/" (asdf:component-pathname (asdf:find-system "foo-test")) ;=> #p"/home/ralf/src/foo/t/"
IMO, there is no *perfect* solution to this problem, and the current behavior is "as right as possible."
Looking at the source, the system-source-directory is more primitive than the component-pathname, and indeed serves as one of the primitive inputs from which a system's component-pathname is computed. Therefore, it has to remain a separate function. Now, should the system-relative-pathname function be based on system-source-directory or on component-pathname? I can see arguments both ways. Whichever it goes (and certainly, it shouldn't be changed without at least surveying how that affects systems in Quicklisp), it should probably be documented.
this just shows that the top-level use of :pathname (instead of using a module) is problematic.
Well, a :pathname is very useful at least in the case of computed systems not from a .asd file — and these suggest that indeed, making system-relative-pathname relative to the component-pathname might be a good idea, since they do have a non-nil component-pathname, but a nil system-source-directory.
On the one hand, it's clear that the programmer doesn't want any files to live in the top level of the system: the programmer wants the top level to have only the asdf file and maybe some READMEs, and make them more visible by pushing the sources into a subtree. According to this argument, your interpretation is correct.
Also, he could use (system-relative-pathname foo "../bar/baz").
OTOH, what if you have a top level foo/ directory with the asdf system definition and subdirectories src/ and data/? In that case, you want ASDF:SYSTEM-RELATIVE-PATHNAME to be foo/ so that you have the choice of going to src/ or data/.
In my opinion, what this disagreement shows is that top-level (i.e., at DEFSYSTEM) use of :PATHNAME is to be deprecated.
It has existed since before ASDF 2 (where indeed, it was evaluated, unlike the :pathname in any other position — I changed that to nothing being evaluated in ASDF 2 for consistency, and that broke a couple systems in the wild). We use it a lot in testing ASDF itself. I don't believe it's reasonable to deprecate it.
If my system was
(defsystem foo :components ((:module "src" ...) (:module "data" ...)))
then the current behavior would be unambiguously correct.
I think what this shows is that using :pathname at the root of a system definition is just wrong. Or, perhaps, that using :pathname at the root of the system should be interpreted (i.e., its semantics should be defined) "as if" it was defining an anonymous module (since that's what happens -- the :pathname doesn't affect the location of the :defsystem).
That's kind of what happens now... except that system-relative-pathname doesn't heed it.
I will wait for further discussion, but IMO, this is a WONTFIX.
Maybe the solution is just "document the current behavior". If Ralf or someone else things strongly of this issue (i.e. not me), I fear he'll have to push it forward, by identifying all systems in Quicklisp that involve both :pathname at the defsystem level and system-relative-pathname. —♯ƒ • François-René ÐVB Rideau •Reflection&Cybernethics• http://fare.tunes.org Not all Law is created equal before Man. Some Law causes least conflict and least perverse incentives. By definition we call it Natural Law.

I should probably not have said "deprecated," since the system :pathname option is hugely useful. Just that the semantics of a top-level :pathname interacts in a funny way with the use of system-relative-pathname, and in order to use the latter successfully you really need to know the layout of the directory you're looking at. I'm going to leave this as WONTFIX.
participants (3)
Ralf Mattes
Robert Goldman