ok, I reinstalled everything and now it works
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hello to all
I'd like to study LTK, but I got stuck at the very start
I run "(load "e:/lisp/ltk/ltk-0.96/ltk")" ok, "(in-package :ltk)" ok, and then "(ltktest)": after a slight pause Emacs prints 0 and returns the prompt; no errors, then, but the problem is that nothing else happens! same thing if i run "(ltk::ltk-eyes)"
I checked paths, etc (or so I think), and don't know what to do;
in particular, I tried to modify ltk.lisp as follows:
(defvar *wish-pathname*
; #+freebsd "wish8.4"
; #-freebsd "wish"
(defvar *debug-tk* t)
my configuration:
Windows Vista, ActiveState tcl/tk 8.5, the LispBox suite (CCL, Emacs, Slime), ltk-0.96
thanks in advance
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