I've been getting into ltk, since I wanted to do some GUI programming
again. I'm currently trying some things, one of them being changing the
color of a button. This should be possible becaus of this bit of
documentation <http://www.peter-herth.de/ltk/ltkdoc/node18.html>. But it is
not really specified how I could do it. I've tried with 'configure' and I
tried in the initialization code and even in the 'pack' function, but it
does not seem to work. It might be nice if the documentation told me how to
do this.
The working code looks like this. How do I change the color of the button?
(with-ltk ()
(let* ((frame (make-instance 'frame))
(button (make-instance 'button
:master frame
:text "Hello, World"
:command (lambda () (print
"Hello, World")))))
(pack frame)
(pack button)))
Thanks in advance for any help.