New to LTK, I just want to change the button height, but couldn’t.
Doing it in (make-instance …), I got “Invalid initialization argument: :HEIGHT in call for class #<STANDARD-CLASS BUTTON>” error.
Doing it in (configure b :height 10), then I got “Tcl/Tk error: unknown option “-height””.
What’s the proper way to do it?
Sample code:
(defun display-image-button (filename)
(with-ltk ()
(format-wish "package require Img")
(let* ((img (make-image))
(b (make-instance
:text "Hello World!"
:image img
:width 10
:command (lambda ()
(do-msg "Bye! \"Hello World!\"")
(setf *exit-mainloop* t)))))
;; Pack the canvas
(pack b)
;(scrollregion c 0 0 800 800)
;; Load the image from the file
(image-load img filename)
;; Draw the image on the canvas
;(create-image c 0 0 :image img)
(configure b :height 10)
)) )