On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 04:10:53PM +0200, Marco Baringer wrote: Hi Marco, Sorry for the late reply.
Tamas K Papp <tpapp@Princeton.EDU> writes:
If I send a function that generates a warning to the inferior lisp process, slime gives this error message:
error in process filter: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (f startval l) "reduce the list l by the binary function f. Use start value startval (cf MacLennnan p. 396)" (cond ((null l) startval) (t (apply f (list (car l) (reduce f startval (cdr l))))))), 4
For example, if the function is
(defun foo (bar) nil)
and I press C-c C-c, I get the error message (because of the cmucl warning that bar is not used). Am I doing something wrong? I am a Lisp newbie.
i can't repeat this (emacs 21.4 and latest slime). can you try upgrading to slime cvs first? if the problem persists can you send the copy of the emacs backtrace and the contents of *slime-events*?
I have tried the June 20th slime tarball and the error is still here, I attached the backtrace and *slime-events*. Tamas